Dr Kian
Dr Kian

Liposuction can be done with either a local or a general anaesthetic.

It is normally performed as an outpatient operation (meaning that you are discharged home the same day). The values mentioned here may differ based on the type of operation and your specific circumstances.

What kind of scars can I anticipate?

Fat is removed with tiny cannulas through small incisions. Although the incisions are small and hidden, some visible scars may occur. Dr. Kian will go over what to expect during your consultation.

When will my results start to show?

Liposuction produces rapid results, but you will experience post-surgical swelling and bruising that can last up to two weeks. It can take several weeks for bruises to fade completely. Full results may take longer than 6 weeks, although your findings will be affected if you gain or lose weight in the future. Scars may remain red for a while, although they normally fade over time.

How long does it take to recover?

Individual recovery times vary, but most people should expect to recover in 7 to 14 days. To keep the swelling down following under-chin liposuction, keep your head elevated for at least 48 hours after the treatment. We usually recommend taking 1-2 weeks off work, but depending on how quickly you heal and the type of work you do, you may be able to return sooner or later. For the first three weeks, you will be required to wear a post-surgical support garment day and night, then only during the day for the next three weeks. It takes at least 6 weeks for full results to appear, however this varies from person to person.

Do you have before and after images?

Of course, check out these images of one of my recent patients below:

How do I book in for an appointment?

You will first need to book in for a liposuction consultation with myself. Here I will explain the process and discuss the outcome you are looking to achieve with your implants.

To find a suitable date for your consultation simply head over to the contact page


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