Tummy tuck Full abdominoplasty with diastasis repair
Full tummy tuck with repair of rectus divarication (diastasis recti) showing a natural-looking belly button (with well-healed umbilical scar) and a low tummy tuck scar that can be hidden in the underwear/swimwear
Mummy makeover Breast Augmentation with Mini tummy tuck
Mummy Makeover – 6 weeks after 295cc dual plane (under muscle) breast augmentation and mini abdominoplasty
Liposuction Vaser liposuction
Great body contours achieved in this male patient after 1.7 litres of fat was removed by VASER liposuction from the upper abdomen, lower abdomen & flanks
Mummy makeover Breast enlargement & Tummy tuck
Mummy Makeover – 1 week after 180cc subglandular (above muscle) breast augmentation and extended mini tummy tuck
VASER Liposuction (circumferential)
3 litres of fat removed by VASER liposuction from the abdomen, flanks & back resulting in good overall volume reduction